Thursday, October 22, 2020

Choices for Troubled Times – 8. Platform over Personality

Presidential Election 2020 offers voters a stark contrast between the two tickets, Trump-Pence (R) and Biden-Harris (D).  Supporters of each ticket have criticized the personality, rhetoric, and behavior of the opposing ticket while noting that “he doesn’t seem very presidential” or “he doesn’t seem up to the demands of the office.”   But many Americans are realizing that they must weigh concerns about rhetoric, personality, and leadership style against the stark difference in governing philosophy and vision for America between the two tickets.

Party Platforms Matter
I have been looking into the actual differences between the two presidential tickets by comparing the
2020 Democratic Party Platform with the 2016-2020 Republican Party Platform. The notion that party platforms are good predictors of future actions by the candidates is supported by a recent The Gospel Coalition article which states:

While the platform is not binding on the presidential nominee or any other politicians,
political scientists have found that over the past 30 years lawmakers in Congress tend to vote in line with their party’s platform: 89 percent of the time for Republicans, and 79 percent of the time for Democrats. For this reason, we should be aware of what is proposed in these documents and how they may affect the welfare of our nation (Jeremiah 29:7).

If party platforms are good predictors, then it is clear that the upcoming election will have a major influence on the future of our nation.  I’m a registered Republican, but I personally know supporters of both the Democrat and Republican platforms who are people of solid character, politically informed, and sincere in the belief that their candidates have what America needs most.  Therefore, let’s lay aside judgment of the personalities of the candidates and of their supporters.  Let us forget about our party affiliation and pressures from family and friends.  Then, let us examine the differences in party platforms which are rooted in two fundamentally different views of the natural world and of human nature—i.e. two different worldviews. 

Two Different Worldviews
First, let’s define two different worldviews.  Then, we can consider how each worldview justifies the governing philosophy and resultant policy approaches promised in the respective platforms.  Finally, we will highlight ten (10) important differences in philosophy and platform policy that voters ought to consider as each of these are addressed by the two presidential tickets as a logical outgrowth of their respective worldviews and governing philosophies.

conservative approach to governance which is evident in the Republican platform emphasizes “freedom, individuality, the sense of community, the sanctity of the family, the supremacy of the conscience, the spiritual view of life” (W.F. Buckley, Up from Liberalism, Pickle Partners Publ., 1959).  Conservatism is generally grounded in a spiritual worldview which recognizes the role of a Creator and His Divine Providence in American history. 

In his book, The Conscience of a Conservative (Victor Publishing Co., 1960), Arizona Senator, Barry Goldwater, explained that conservatives give priority to the “enhancement of man’s spiritual nature as the primary concern of political philosophy… foremost among the transcendent values is the individual’s use of his God-given free will, whence derives his right to be free from the restrictions of arbitrary force…” (
Heritage Foundation).  Many historians attribute the amazing scientific, technological, economic, and cultural achievements of America to her virtuous work ethic, creativity, and entrepreneurship inspired within a free enterprise system in a society protected by law enforcement and due process in the courts.  For more elaboration, see Footnote 2, at the end of this blog entry.

The liberal or
progressive approach which is evident in the Democrat Party platform is generally grounded in a naturalistic worldview which emphasizes the material dimension of mankind.  Knowledge essential to the betterment of society is obtained by scientific inquiry and human reason.  Instead of locating the value and identity of each person on the basis of Divine Providence, each individual is identified according to a community or class with particular needs.  It is the duty of government to act on behalf of each interest group to ensure equal opportunity and equality with respect to human rights and provision of material needs for all.  Emphasis upon “separation of church and state” has caused progressives to view religion and spirituality separately from the social contract between individual and government.  

Progressives generally favor expanded government regulation, government ownership property and means of production, taxation, and other means to redistribute wealth and opportunity necessary to level the playing field among the social classes.  Because our society and moral values are seen as evolving, progressives believe the U.S. Constitution is a “living document” which justifies “judicial activism” and “social justice” as a means to achieve human rights, equality, and opportunity.  In the name of empathy and compassion, emotions tend to weigh more prominently than human reason to justify a passion for social causes.  The Progressive approach is very evident in the Democrat Party platform.

Two Different Governing Philosophies
Conservative View of Freedom and Responsibility
Our Declaration of Independence proclaims certain …truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  Our U.S. Constitution reflects the spirit of this Declaration and provides the foundation for our constitutional republic.   Table 1 lists ten (10) platform emphases or policies that are rooted in a Conservative governing philosophy.

Progressive View of Freedom and Responsibility
According to progressives, the U.S. Constitution as applied in its “original intent” by its framers is no longer adequate for the governance of the American people.  The promise of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” has not been fulfilled in America.  Instead, the majority of Americans are subjugated by the wishes of a powerful, wealthy ruling class.  If God exists, He has little influence upon the powerful although some progressives base their call for social justice on what amounts to God’s call for righteousness recorded in the Bible.  Again, please refer to Table 1 to see a point-for-point comparison of how a liberal-progressive worldview influences governing philosophy compared to conservatism.

Ten Considerations for Voters
Having described the two major worldviews and resultant governing philosophies of conservatism and liberal-progressivism, let’s consider the ten (10) political platform issues which distinguish the two presidential tickets.  Table 2 below elaborates on each of the ten (10) comparisons in Table 1.  We should note that not all Conservatives and Progressives would hold to all of the respective beliefs or policies attributed to their particular philosophy.  Nevertheless, as you compare how the two governing philosophies affect platform and promises for each of the ten (10) points, it should be evident that the Trump-Pence ticket aligns with the Conservative philosophy while Biden-Harris align with the Progressive view. 

The contrasts in Table 2 emphasize that the two party platforms and respective presidential tickets are quite different.  The stakes for the future of America are also high.  Regardless of our choice of presidential ticket, we ought to focus on the differences in governing philosophy and resultant vision for America rather than differences in personality and campaign style.

How Will You Respond?
While I have contrasted the party platforms, I have not argued about the differences in prior accomplishments of the two presidential candidates or differences in personal integrity, physical stamina, or work ethic.  All of these, in addition to differences in party platform are important considerations that must not be ignored.

May I invite you to respond using “Comments” (see below) if there are particular points you wish to add to what I have shared?   If you prefer a more private means of communication, please use my e-mail at 

1 Comparisons are based on philosophies generally held by Conservatives and Progressives, respectively.  It is recognized that not all who consider themselves in one camp or the other will hold to all of the respective beliefs or policies attributed to their particular philosophy. 

2 Perceived importance of religious faith, particularly Christian and Jewish faith, in our government seems to be diminishing as evidenced by Progressive support for removing the display of the Ten Commandments, the undermining of religious freedom and its two major components—the right to religious belief and the right to religious expression.  Two cases in point demonstrate that liberal justices of the Supreme Court favor restricting First Amendment freedoms:   First, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) questions Judge Amy Coney Barrett:   Second, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) questions Judge Barrett and notes that, by a 5-4 Supreme Court decision in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission barely preserved the First Amendment supporting our freedom of expression

3 “The 1619 Project is an ongoing project developed by The New York Times Magazine in 2019 which "aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of [the United States'] national narrative" (Wikipedia).  Conservatives including President Trump point out that the 1619 Project curriculum for schools teaches critical race theory (or critical theory) which is based on socialist and Marxist ideology.

4 As quoted by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”  In other words, the "laws of nature and of nature's God" entitle the United States to independence. Men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." Congress appeals "to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions."  Here is a video of a Catholic priest speaking on behalf of the sanctity of human life and the inconsistent stand of Catholic political leaders including Joe Biden who do not advocate for human life.  Video, click HERE.

5 From the Preamble of the 2016-2020 Republican Platform: “We believe in the Constitution as our founding document. We believe the Constitution was written not as a flexible document, but as our enduring covenant.”  According to Barry Goldwater (The Conscience of a Conservative (Victor Publishing Co., 1960), “the Conservative looks upon politics as the art of achieving the maximum amount of freedom for individuals that is consistent with the maintenance of social order.” Therefore, “the practice of freedom requires the establishment of order.” That is, one man cannot be free if another man can deny him the exercise of his freedom.  To conservatives, the achievement of limited government and individual freedom under the law is achieved by strict interpretation of the original intent of the Constitution.

6 Conservatives oppose government policies that force Americans to violate conscience.  For example, use of tax-payer dollars to fund abortions; or, required payment of union dues that are used to support candidates they do not favor.

7 From the Republican Platform, “We believe that people are the ultimate resource— and that the people, not the government, are the best stewards of our country’s God-given natural resources.”  Ethically based free market behavior is the world’s most likely economic system to conserve resources as evidenced by comparing America to China, India, and many developing countries.  Membership in the Paris Accord is not justified both for practical and for political-economic reasons.


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