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Photo of the Sign from President Truman's Desk (with slight modification) |
Once a person belongs to the collective, “safety in numbers” becomes evident. The old adage that “one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel” certainly applies here. Any emerging rot of corruption can grow and fester within a corporation, church, or government agency while individuals responsible are hidden or insulated from accountability and justice. Instead of reporting and bringing to justice the individuals suspected of such crimes as extortion, taking bribes, sexual abuse, or failure to enforce laws, members of the collective make excuses or shift the blame. As a result, the reputation of businesses, churches, and educational institutions decline. Many are placing their hopes in our ever-growing federal government to administer rights and entitlements while ignoring God and the importance of the fundamental rights and responsibilities that He has clearly revealed in Scripture.
The progression I have described is explained by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1: 21-22 when he declares that ...even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools…. This loss of a thankful and reverent spirit toward God and His Word were the root cause of the original sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). When our thankfulness and reverence toward God are diminished, individual integrity and responsibility needed for strong leadership are undermined. Consequently, families, communities, and nations deteriorate as the crumbling of civilizations throughout biblical and modern history testifies.
However, in the midst of each sad chapter of history, God’s unique blend of mercy and justice has also been at work. Over and over, God’s grace pierces the darkness through one or a few men and women with humble hearts who show reverence for Him. These heroes realize they are stewards of the grace of God and of the opportunities God affords to them (1 Corinthians 4: 2). Many have been the spark that ignited spiritual revival and cultural renewal. Several biblical characters who come to mind are Noah, Abraham, and Joseph; and in the New Testament, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mary of Magdalene (Luke 8: 2).
Recently, I’ve been interested in a character described in Luke 7: 1-10 who embodies the qualities that Christ desires among leaders, and all of us who strive to be responsible stewards of the opportunities God affords us. We are not given his name; only that he was a centurion in the Roman army stationed in the town of Capernaum (Luke 7: 2). Centurions were the backbone of the Roman army, and this particular centurion was apparently in charge of an outpost under the authority of King Herod Antipas. [This Herod is the same king who ordered the beheading of John the Baptist and participated in the trial of Jesus.]
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A Roman Centurion |
According to Luke, the Jewish leaders in Capernaum held the centurion in very high regard. Meanwhile, the centurion had become aware of the miraculous healing power of an unusual Jew named Jesus. So, he decided to make his request for Jesus’ healing power by sending a polite request to Him through his Jewish friends. These friends gladly conveyed the centurion’s request to Jesus along with a statement of their deep respect for the him by saying, He is worthy for You to grant this to him; for he loves our nation, and it was he who built us our synagogue (Luke 7: 4-5).
The manner in which the centurion conveyed his request to Jesus to heal his servant was even more unusual for a Roman. As a result, Jesus marveled at him, saying …not even in Israel have I found such great faith (Luke 7: 9). What caused Jesus to marvel at the faith of this Gentile? I believe the answer paints the portrait of one who exemplifies responsible stewardship of the opportunities God affords.
First, Jesus marveled at the origin of the request for healing of the servant. It did not originate from a Jewish countryman, but rather, from a Roman soldier—a Gentile. This centurion was not a member of the chosen nation Israel to whom, as Paul would later write, was given... the adoption as sons and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises… (Romans 9: 4). Yet somehow, this non-Jew believed Jesus could bring relief to his servant from paralysis and pain.
Second, Jesus marveled at the messengers chosen by the centurion to carry his request. It came to Him by way of Jewish elders who were somehow willing to serve as intermediaries between two unusual parties-- a Gentile centurion and a radical, Jewish troublemaker. Only God could orchestrate such a scene in which representatives of His “chosen people” would carry a message of faith no less from a “pagan Roman” outside the Jewish nation to a heretical Jewish rabbi whose legitimacy and power they questioned!
Third, Jesus must have marveled at the sense of urgency, devotion, and compassion on the part of the Jewish messengers toward this Gentile officer (emphasis mine):
And when they had come to Jesus, they earnestly entreated Him, saying, "He is worthy for You to grant this to him; for he loves our nation, and it was he who built us our synagogue (Luke 7: 4-5).
Jesus discerned from the earnest plea of the Jews that the centurion had won their affection by the manner in which he had been discharging his duties in Capernaum. The centurion’s Roman superiors had entrusted him with the authority, military might, and material resources to control the lives of the Jewish population in his charge; and, to make their lives miserable if they did not submit. However, this centurion had invested his authority and the resources of Rome with an apparent gentleness, kindness, and helpfulness that had won the hearts of his Jewish subjects. The centurion is a portrait of responsible and benevolent stewardship of the resources and authority vested in him.
If Jesus had begun to marvel because of the origin of the centurion’s request, the messengers who carried it, and the urgency with which they delivered the message, Jesus must also have marveled because of the content of a second message from the centurion, one conveyed to Him by friends of the centurion while He was on the road to the centurion’s home. Knowing that Jesus was coming, the centurion expressed his misgivings about Jesus coming inside his home:
Lord, do not trouble Yourself further, for I am not worthy for You to come under my roof; for this reason I did not even consider myself worthy to come to You, but just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I, too, am a man under authority, with soldiers under me; and I say to this one, 'Go!' and he goes; and to another, 'Come!' and he comes; and to my slave, 'Do this!' and he does it (Luke 7: 6b-8).
From in this second message, Jesus could sense that the centurion was a man of humility, of great faith, and of understanding (wisdom) in regard to the larger order of God’s kingdom.
Jesus must have deeply cherished the centurion’s humility, conveyed in the words …I am not worthy… (Luke 7: 6b). Both Peter and James teach us that God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5: 5; James 4: 6). A humble heart provides the “good soil” for our soul and spirit that the Word of God can grow within (Luke 8: 8) so that we can …receive the word implanted, which is able to save [our] souls (James 1: 21). In light of this, I believe that the humility demonstrated by our centurion is a fundamental virtue of a godly steward.
Jesus was amazed not only by the centurion’s humility, but also to a fruit of that humility; namely, his great faith. The centurion not only believed that Jesus could restore his paralyzed servant but that Jesus could do so from any distance. Such amazing faith! And Jesus was joyfully amazed. I would have loved to see the expression on Jesus’ face when He declared, …not even in Israel have I found such great faith (Luke 7: 9).
Finally, we see in the centurion’s message to Jesus an understanding of the larger order of things—things that are both visible and invisible. This centurion understood that he was but one “cog” in a much larger authority structure within the mighty Roman Empire. Specifically, he understood that the quality of his role as a steward depended upon his obedience to his superiors and to his ability to exercise rightful authority over his subordinates—i.e. he understood his place in the “chain of command.” Stewardship of authority demands both willing acceptance of our orders and provision of accountability toward those who serve under our charge. Instead of pointing fingers to deflect responsibility, those who do not exercise responsible stewardship must be held accountable.
Not only did the centurion understand the “visible order of things” but he also seemed to integrate this visible, earthly order with a faith in the “supernatural order of things.” We can see this faith in his analogy between his own power within the authority structure of the Roman system and Jesus’ power within the larger, invisible, spiritual realm. Perhaps Jesus sensed that the centurion’s heart was receptive to the essence of a message once given by the prophet Isaiah (6: 1a-2) concerning the two realms over which His Father rules (emphasis mine):
Thus says the LORD, ‘Heaven is My throne,
and the earth is My footstool…
For My hand made all these things,
Thus all these things came into being,’ declares the LORD.
‘But to this one I will look,
To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.’
We will not know this side of heaven whether the centurion was saved through faith in the atoning work of Christ. However, Luke’s account as we have seen reveals the centurion’s progression of faith, a faith first nurtured by his gracious stewardship of authority over God’s chosen people. This responsible stewardship allowed mutual respect between the Roman and the Jews, and paved the way for God to bring the Jewish elders to the feet of Jesus with the request to heal a paralyzed servant. Finally, God’s grace enabled the centurion to believe in the unseen supernatural order of God’s kingdom based on the analogy of his authority within the Roman government.
The centurion’s humility and faith which amazed Jesus presents a portrait of good stewardship for us today just as it provided a remarkable testimony to the unbelieving Jews of his time. For God had placed the centurion in center stage of a drama in which his faith enlisted the Jewish elders into the role of carrying a message of humble saving faith to the only One Who could bring ultimate healing. Jesus had the power not only to relieve the physical paralysis and pain of the centurion’s servant. Jesus could also overcome the spiritual paralysis and pain of God’s chosen people represented by the centurion’s Jewish messengers—and, ultimately, for anyone who would believe among the Gentiles! Indeed, Scripture later records the role of another faithful centurion whose name is recorded in Acts 10. God used this centurion whose name was Cornelius to reveal His plan to bring the Gospel of His saving grace to the Gentiles. I wonder if the beloved centurion of Luke 7 and Cornelius were acquainted.
In my own small way, I too am amazed at the life of the Roman centurion. Even though he lived in the midst of a pagan, Roman culture, he exercised faithful stewardship of his responsibilities and resources. Therefore, he cancels my excuse not to strive to be a faithful steward of my responsibilities and opportunities as salt and light in our current needy culture. Even though our earthly institutions and authority structures are crumbling, all of us are accountable as stewards of the Good News of the coming kingdom of Christ. May we pray in the manner Jesus taught us and then serve well under His command:
[May] Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done,
[Let it be] on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6: 10).
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