Needless to
say, March Madness is an earthshaking tradition in the American sports world,
especially among college basketball fans.
The 2018 edition has offered no shortage of upsets. Most notably this
year, the #1-seeded Virginia Cavaliers were dismantled by the University of
Maryland-Baltimore Campus.
Abby and I have enjoyed this year’s March Madness in spite of the fact that Villanova, in a hard-fought effort, edged out our WVU Mountaineers in their battle for the Elite Eight. Then, last night, Villanova ended the valiant effort of the Michigan Wolverines, our second-favorite team, in their pursuit of the national championship.
But, exciting as the NCAA basketball tournament was, I have been impressed this
year more than ever by another earthshaking historical event—one that continues
to shake our world; namely, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Just as the news in March has been filled with
stories of March Madness, so the nation of Israel was set on edge two-thousand
years ago when Jesus Christ died and rose again. What’s more, Christ’s miraculous death and resurrection
made headlines because of accompanying religious, political, geological, and
astronomical events.
The events of that first Easter are recorded in the New Testament Scriptures by four different gospel writers—Matthew (once a despised tax collector for the Romans), Mark (who may have witnessed Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane), Luke (a physician), and John (formerly a fisherman). Jesus had left no doubt in the minds of the Jewish leaders that His aim was to present Himself as God’s Messiah--i.e. Almighty God incarnated in human flesh. He authenticated His deity by His exceptional teaching and by His miracles which reinforced His teaching of God’s truth and brought human healing—e.g. healing the physically blind while bringing the light of truth to the spiritually blind.
On the first day of Holy Week known as Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a lowly donkey. Scholars estimate that over 3,000,000 people were in Jerusalem at this time, including many who had traveled from other parts of the Middle East to celebrate the Jewish Passover. What’s more, all of Jerusalem and the surrounding country were on a “news alert.” Only a few days earlier, Jesus had performed His most earthshaking miracle to date—commanding his friend Lazarus to rise and come forth from a tomb where his body had been dead and decaying for four days (John 11). Since then, crowds had been gathering to get a glimpse of two celebrities, Jesus the healer and Lazarus the man who had come back from the dead.
The raising of Lazarus from the grave and the triumphal entry of Jesus were just the first of several events that shook the Holy City of Jerusalem on what would become the first Easter. Each of these events would have made “headlines” then as they would have in today's world. Below, with accompanying Scripture references, are a few of the major headlines as they might have appeared if the events surrounding the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus had occurred during a modern week leading toward Good Friday and Easter:
Palm Sunday Edition:
Crowds Greet the ‘Son of David’ and Cry ‘Save Now’ from Roman Rule – Matthew 21: 1-11; Mark 11: 1-11; Luke 19: 29-44; John 12: 12-19
Friday Edition:
Morning – PILATE, the Roman Governor’s, Verdict: “I Find No Fault in This Man” -- Luke 23: 4; John 19: 4
Afternoon – Entire Region Shrouded in Darkness—Noon Until Three O’Clock -- Matthew 27: 45; Mark 15: 33; Luke 23: 44-45
Afternoon – JESUS: “It Is Finished”—Veil in Temple Torn in Two from Top to Bottom -- Matthew 27: 50; Mark 15: 37; Luke 23:46; John 19: 30
Afternoon – EARTHQUAKE! Rocks Split and Many Tombs Opened -- Matthew 27: 51-53
Resurrection Sunday Edition:
EARTHQUAKE and Radiant Angelic Being Opens Garden Tomb: Guards Paralyzed in Fear!
-- Matthew 28: 1-4; Mark 16: 1-4; Luke 24: 1-2; John 20:1
Garden Tomb Found Empty! Terrified Followers Now Emboldened After Seeing Jesus
-- Matthew 28: 5-20; Mark 16: 5-19; Luke 24: 3-53; John 20-21
The events that we have highlighted above as news headlines were clearly
evident to a majority of people throughout the region of Jerusalem on that first
Holy Week. Amazingly, the “braking news” of the sudden darkness, earthquake
and splitting of rocks, the opening of tombs, and ultimately the missing body
of Jesus all became breaking news without the benefit of newspapers and
internet (Luke 24: 18). The political, geological, and astronomical immensity
of these events make a strong case for the historicity and reality
of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christianity is unique among all religious
faiths because it is founded upon the reality of the empty tomb and the Risen
Christ (e.g. read 1 Corinthians 15).
Yet there is another factor of great importance to the Christian faith. In addition to the strong case for the historical events surrounding Christ's death and Resurrection, there is the reality that each believer experiences at the time when he or she personally recognizes through the work of God's Holy Spirit their sin and their need of a Savior. Personal pride is replaced with brokenness and we experience the joy of forgiveness as we turn toward the loving face of Christ Who forgives us and makes us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17). The Risen Christ becomes our Brother Who walks with us each day through His Holy Spirit (Romans 8). The power of God displayed on that first Easter becomes evident when each person is transformed into a New Creature in Christ through faith (Romans 10: 8-17).
For Christ-followers, the reality of the Resurrection is renewed each week as we gather on the first day to worship the Risen Savior and encourage one another in our faith (Hebrews 10: 23-25). Regular practice of the spiritual disciplines of prayer, reading of Scripture , worshiping together, and witnessing what Christ does in our lives--all of these are pleasing to God Who in turn strengthens our faith and grants us hope in our triumphs and trials as we await the return of Christ.

The fresh reality of the resurrected Christ was evident to me at our Sunrise Service this Sunday as we met at the three crosses erected on a hill near our church. Together our faith was renewed as we reread the biblical account Jesus’ resurrection and sang several hymns of our faith. But then, we were reminded that the power that raised Jesus from the dead is still at work to transform lives. We listened to the testimony of one of our brothers in Christ, Darrell Ketler, whom God marvelously raised from spiritual death and defeat to make him a new creature in Christ. With his permission, I will close by sharing a link to the video recording of Darrell’s testimony of God’s work in His life.
How About You?
Have you ever taken time to consider the account
of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Do you realize how well documented it is? God now asks each of us the question, “What
will you do with this man called Jesus?”
Like I once was, you may still be confused about Who God is and what He
expects of you. God knows just what you
are thinking right now. May I invite you
to examine further the claims of the “Good News” or “the Gospel?” Let me share a short presentation of the
Gospel summarized in an outline from the Billy Graham Association called “Steps to Peace with God.”
The outline explains God’s love, our predicament (sin and separation from God),
what Jesus has done to address our predicament, and what you can do by faith to
receive God’s righteousness (right standing with a Holy God). If you have additional questions or comments,
I’d love to hear from you. Just post a
“Comment” below or e-mail me at
Abby and I have enjoyed this year’s March Madness in spite of the fact that Villanova, in a hard-fought effort, edged out our WVU Mountaineers in their battle for the Elite Eight. Then, last night, Villanova ended the valiant effort of the Michigan Wolverines, our second-favorite team, in their pursuit of the national championship.
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"He is not here. He has risen..." Mt. 28: 6 |
The events of that first Easter are recorded in the New Testament Scriptures by four different gospel writers—Matthew (once a despised tax collector for the Romans), Mark (who may have witnessed Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane), Luke (a physician), and John (formerly a fisherman). Jesus had left no doubt in the minds of the Jewish leaders that His aim was to present Himself as God’s Messiah--i.e. Almighty God incarnated in human flesh. He authenticated His deity by His exceptional teaching and by His miracles which reinforced His teaching of God’s truth and brought human healing—e.g. healing the physically blind while bringing the light of truth to the spiritually blind.
On the first day of Holy Week known as Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a lowly donkey. Scholars estimate that over 3,000,000 people were in Jerusalem at this time, including many who had traveled from other parts of the Middle East to celebrate the Jewish Passover. What’s more, all of Jerusalem and the surrounding country were on a “news alert.” Only a few days earlier, Jesus had performed His most earthshaking miracle to date—commanding his friend Lazarus to rise and come forth from a tomb where his body had been dead and decaying for four days (John 11). Since then, crowds had been gathering to get a glimpse of two celebrities, Jesus the healer and Lazarus the man who had come back from the dead.
The raising of Lazarus from the grave and the triumphal entry of Jesus were just the first of several events that shook the Holy City of Jerusalem on what would become the first Easter. Each of these events would have made “headlines” then as they would have in today's world. Below, with accompanying Scripture references, are a few of the major headlines as they might have appeared if the events surrounding the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus had occurred during a modern week leading toward Good Friday and Easter:
Palm Sunday Edition:
Crowds Greet the ‘Son of David’ and Cry ‘Save Now’ from Roman Rule – Matthew 21: 1-11; Mark 11: 1-11; Luke 19: 29-44; John 12: 12-19
Friday Edition:
Morning – PILATE, the Roman Governor’s, Verdict: “I Find No Fault in This Man” -- Luke 23: 4; John 19: 4
Afternoon – Entire Region Shrouded in Darkness—Noon Until Three O’Clock -- Matthew 27: 45; Mark 15: 33; Luke 23: 44-45
Afternoon – JESUS: “It Is Finished”—Veil in Temple Torn in Two from Top to Bottom -- Matthew 27: 50; Mark 15: 37; Luke 23:46; John 19: 30
Afternoon – EARTHQUAKE! Rocks Split and Many Tombs Opened -- Matthew 27: 51-53
Resurrection Sunday Edition:
EARTHQUAKE and Radiant Angelic Being Opens Garden Tomb: Guards Paralyzed in Fear!
-- Matthew 28: 1-4; Mark 16: 1-4; Luke 24: 1-2; John 20:1
Garden Tomb Found Empty! Terrified Followers Now Emboldened After Seeing Jesus
-- Matthew 28: 5-20; Mark 16: 5-19; Luke 24: 3-53; John 20-21
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"Are You the only one visiting Jerusalem
and unaware of the things which have happened here in these days?" Luke 24:19 |
Yet there is another factor of great importance to the Christian faith. In addition to the strong case for the historical events surrounding Christ's death and Resurrection, there is the reality that each believer experiences at the time when he or she personally recognizes through the work of God's Holy Spirit their sin and their need of a Savior. Personal pride is replaced with brokenness and we experience the joy of forgiveness as we turn toward the loving face of Christ Who forgives us and makes us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17). The Risen Christ becomes our Brother Who walks with us each day through His Holy Spirit (Romans 8). The power of God displayed on that first Easter becomes evident when each person is transformed into a New Creature in Christ through faith (Romans 10: 8-17).
For Christ-followers, the reality of the Resurrection is renewed each week as we gather on the first day to worship the Risen Savior and encourage one another in our faith (Hebrews 10: 23-25). Regular practice of the spiritual disciplines of prayer, reading of Scripture , worshiping together, and witnessing what Christ does in our lives--all of these are pleasing to God Who in turn strengthens our faith and grants us hope in our triumphs and trials as we await the return of Christ.

The fresh reality of the resurrected Christ was evident to me at our Sunrise Service this Sunday as we met at the three crosses erected on a hill near our church. Together our faith was renewed as we reread the biblical account Jesus’ resurrection and sang several hymns of our faith. But then, we were reminded that the power that raised Jesus from the dead is still at work to transform lives. We listened to the testimony of one of our brothers in Christ, Darrell Ketler, whom God marvelously raised from spiritual death and defeat to make him a new creature in Christ. With his permission, I will close by sharing a link to the video recording of Darrell’s testimony of God’s work in His life.
How About You?
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