2016 is tomorrow, and the
presidential race is neck-and-neck.
Polling suggests that Americans are divided in their choice of whether
to support Clinton-Kaine or Trump-Pence.
This division in voter choice mirrors the ongoing division that exists
in America regarding a host of moral and socio-economic issues. But most Americans on both sides of this
divide agree that the choice is between two of the most undeserving,
unqualified people that have ever run for the presidency of the United States. How then should Christ-followers1 exercise their freedom and
responsibility to vote in this presidential election?
In recent
weeks, I have been blogging about the presidential election in Oikonomia (See
links below). Here are my final
pre-election points to consider before voting. I am writing this within 48
hours of the time when my wife and I plan to cast our votes. I hope and pray that you will interpret my
words as coming from a spirit of humility, respect, and careful thought, soaked
in prayer over the past few months—prayers for the candidates and for our
country at this crucial time. At the
risk of being too simplistic or confusing, I will be brief and invite comments
in reply if you wish to question or add your thoughts.
1. Pray – Spirit-led, Scripture fed prayer2 is the most essential lifeline for the voting follower of Christ. By prayer, we offer to our Father in Heaven our adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication (A-C-T-S). In return, God assures the Christ-follower that He (God) is the Ruler of the Universe Who is in sovereign control, and that we can trust Him for wisdom and guidance. Our most fervent prayer and study of Scripture will not reveal all that God knows about the election and all the candidates. But as we pray in the spirit of “The Lord’s Prayer,” Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, we are supplicating God to align our thoughts and decisions in such a way that they reflect the principles of His emerging kingdom on Earth. More basically, if God’s kingdom is to be evident on Earth, we as Christ followers must heed the Apostle Paul’s command to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love…(Ephesians 4: 1-2). Above all, as Christ-followers we must exercise humility and respect for brothers and sisters in Christ and toward those who do not yet walk in newness of Life daily with Christ, regardless of whether or not we agree on how to vote or even whether to vote.
1. Pray – Spirit-led, Scripture fed prayer2 is the most essential lifeline for the voting follower of Christ. By prayer, we offer to our Father in Heaven our adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication (A-C-T-S). In return, God assures the Christ-follower that He (God) is the Ruler of the Universe Who is in sovereign control, and that we can trust Him for wisdom and guidance. Our most fervent prayer and study of Scripture will not reveal all that God knows about the election and all the candidates. But as we pray in the spirit of “The Lord’s Prayer,” Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, we are supplicating God to align our thoughts and decisions in such a way that they reflect the principles of His emerging kingdom on Earth. More basically, if God’s kingdom is to be evident on Earth, we as Christ followers must heed the Apostle Paul’s command to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love…(Ephesians 4: 1-2). Above all, as Christ-followers we must exercise humility and respect for brothers and sisters in Christ and toward those who do not yet walk in newness of Life daily with Christ, regardless of whether or not we agree on how to vote or even whether to vote.
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I appreciate the talk I hear from Evangelicals about the problem of conscience. I get that and would not want to squelch it. I would provide a few cautions, however. First, we should not fall into the cultural practice of ranking sins. Sin is sin, and frankly I do not see how anyone can argue that one candidate in this election is more pristine than the other. Second, we do not have the luxury of standing aloof, washing our hands of this mess, or saying, “well, at least I kept my conscience clear.” I would like to be able to do so, but we cannot for the reason… [that]… Evangelicals not voting or voting for a third party candidate are, in effect, providing benefit to Sec. Clinton’s bid.

Dr. Mach is saying that we ARE, in effect, “voting” whether or not we cast our vote. Not all readers will agree, but there is evidence that the low participation of Christian voters in the past has had a large negative impact. Senator Ted Cruz has claimed that as many as 50% of born again Christians did not vote in the 2012 presidential election between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. If this is true, over 29 million votes were not cast, in 2012! Based on the known distribution of the Christian vote between the Republican and Democrat candidates in recent presidential elections, approximately 75% of these, or at least 21 million would have gone to Mitt Romney, in 2012--enough to have allowed him to easily defeat President Obama. We can further speculate that, like it or not, the resultant level of discontent with President Obama’s leadership since 2012 is at least partly responsible for the emergence of the “Trump Train.” I will address another reason for voting in my third point.
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Beyonce and Jay Z--Voices for "Black Lives Matter" |
3. Promises
of candidates Trump and Clinton
should weigh heavily into how a Christ-follower votes. Specifically, their campaign promises suggest
that they have very different visions of the role of the Supreme Court. Trump promises to appoint justices who strictly
interpret the U.S. Constitution, while Clinton envisions a Supreme Court that will
more closely represent (legislate?) the will of the people. Therefore, we must consider which vision for
the Supreme Court we wish to be in place when it rules on moral issues like the
sanctity of human life, sanctity of marriage, freedom of speech, freedom of
religion, immigration and border control, health care and end of life rulings,
and the future of our free market economy.
It seems clear to me that a Christ-following voter has no choice but to
vote in favor of human life, sanctity of marriage as defined in Scripture, and
the fundamental freedom of speech and religion.
I have personally decided that I want no part in the “promise” of
further moral decline in America. I
acknowledge that some refuse to vote because of the untrustworthiness or
unpreparedness of either candidate to lead as president.
4. Prideful and Power-Hungry describe the two choices for president in Election 2016. I respect those who refuse to vote for either candidate because of their character flaws even thought Clinton and Trump promise very different visions for America. Given their flawed character, how can we trust either one to keep their promises? I have decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket with two considerations that add much comfort in spite of Trump’s flaws. First, as I have previously written in several articles (links below) including ”Pondering and Praying, then Picking a President,” I believe Christ-followers should pray, then participate, and then trust not in the “promises” of a candidate, but in the Promises of God that He is at work in the affairs of nations and in the hearts of rulers. God can transform the heart of either candidate, and with my vote for Trump, I’m banking that Mr. Trump’s heart is already responding to the sovereign call of God at work through the godly men in his inner circle—e.g. Mike Pence and Ben Carson.
Second, even if the life of a “President Trump” is not transformed by God’s Spirit, I can trust that God will still work through Trump’s vision for America as he is held accountable by the checks and balances of the legislative branch and the Supreme Court. Those who don’t trust Donald Trump to make good on his promises, including those noted above, may be right in the end. And they’d be in good company because our Founding Fathers, under the influence of a biblical view of the depravity of mankind, also placed little trust in elected officials. Marvin Olasky paraphrased the words of James Madison who studied at Princeton under Presbyterian minister and signer of the Declaration of Independence, John Witherspoon:
Since men aren’t angels, we need government. Since governors aren’t angels, we need tight controls over government. We are, in two words, intrinsically disordered.
Donald Trump is no angel, and who among us really knows what he would do as president? But the same has been true of any past president or elected official. Yet, in the past several decades, well meaning Christ-followers have sought to assume control of a whole political party, the Republican Party, and have tried to offer “Christian candidates” and a “Christian platform” as if a political party, not the Church, is God’s ultimate plan for the redemption of society and the world. Dr. Bert Wheeler, Professor of Economics at Cedarville University, writes in “Donald Trump--Poster Child” that Christians have been mistaken in assuming that our nation is like a local church. Instead of realizing that everyone in the United States is a person created in the image of God to be treated with respect and dignity; people on the religious right acted as though everyone...was also a Christ-follower. Wheeler outlines a correct model for participation of Christ-followers in government:
Rather than relating to the political
arena as a being populated by people created in the image of God…to be treated
with respect and dignity…the Religious Right treated the political arena like
it was a local church. We attempted to
use political means to create behaviors that ideally come from believers being
conformed to the image of Christ. The
nation is not our church. Human behavior
is influenced by laws and regulations created by government…[whereas] …Christian behavioral change happens when
transformation leads to the fruit of the Spirit…. [Christ-followers] …should be salt and light, but should not
expect non-Christians in the United States in general to believe or behave
exactly the way we would expect fellow Christians to believe an behave.
I must remember that I am not electing angels or pastor-shepherds, but sinners like myself to serve in a government that is “intrinsically disordered” and needs “tight controls.” Therefore, it is my duty to vote—not only at the presidential level but just as importantly, for candidates down the ticket who will hopefully provide accountability to the president and to one another.
5. Prayer
and Providence will triumph
regardless of the outcome of Election 2016.
If you haven’t already done so, plan to vote on Election Day. If you are a Christ-follower, give attention
to your daily walk with Christ so that you are ready to be good salt and light
toward your neighbor (Matthew 5: 13).
Stay informed even after Election Day and do your part to participate in
government, holding elected officials morally and fiscally accountable at every
level. In the words of pollster Scott
Rasmussen (emphasis added), …it’s
that self-governing step of recognizing that the actions you take as an individual, the actions you take in
contributing to your community, are
more important in terms of where our society is going than any of the things we
do in the political sphere.3
In summary, please pray, participate wisely as a voter, and then trust in God’s providence to revive and unite America again as one nation under God where Christ-followers can be salt and light who sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts, being always ready to give an answer to those who ask for a reason for the hope that is within us, yet with gentleness and reverence (1 Peter 3: 16).
1 Definition of a Christ-follower (Christian): A person who responds to the “call” of God’s Spirit through God’s Word (Romans 10: 17), and who is convicted of his or her spiritual poverty in light of God’s holiness (Matthew 5: 3), and who dies to his or her own works (efforts to meet God’s standards), and is “born again” in Christ (Romans 6; Ephesians 2: 8-9), and who now “dies daily” (1 Corinthians 15: 31) by allowing their own wills to be conformed to God’s will, and their minds to be renewed by God’s Spirit and His Word (Romans 12: 1-2).
2 Definition of Scripture-fed, Spirit-led prayer: Prayer that occurs when a Christ-follower (“child of God,” John 1: 12-13) seeks quiet communion and conversation with his or her Heavenly Father, aided by the reading of and meditation on Scripture that allows God’s Spirit and His Word to speak to his or her mind and will, resulting in worship and thanksgiving as well as reproof, correction, and training in righteousness; so that the… [Christ-follower]…may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 2: 15).
3 From video, “A City on a Hill,” by Gingrich Productions, 2011
Related Articles on Election 2016:
Unrighteous Indignation in Election 2016
Tim Kaine Offers Trump a Key to Victory
4. Prideful and Power-Hungry describe the two choices for president in Election 2016. I respect those who refuse to vote for either candidate because of their character flaws even thought Clinton and Trump promise very different visions for America. Given their flawed character, how can we trust either one to keep their promises? I have decided to vote for the Trump-Pence ticket with two considerations that add much comfort in spite of Trump’s flaws. First, as I have previously written in several articles (links below) including ”Pondering and Praying, then Picking a President,” I believe Christ-followers should pray, then participate, and then trust not in the “promises” of a candidate, but in the Promises of God that He is at work in the affairs of nations and in the hearts of rulers. God can transform the heart of either candidate, and with my vote for Trump, I’m banking that Mr. Trump’s heart is already responding to the sovereign call of God at work through the godly men in his inner circle—e.g. Mike Pence and Ben Carson.
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God is already speaking to their hearts. |
Second, even if the life of a “President Trump” is not transformed by God’s Spirit, I can trust that God will still work through Trump’s vision for America as he is held accountable by the checks and balances of the legislative branch and the Supreme Court. Those who don’t trust Donald Trump to make good on his promises, including those noted above, may be right in the end. And they’d be in good company because our Founding Fathers, under the influence of a biblical view of the depravity of mankind, also placed little trust in elected officials. Marvin Olasky paraphrased the words of James Madison who studied at Princeton under Presbyterian minister and signer of the Declaration of Independence, John Witherspoon:
Since men aren’t angels, we need government. Since governors aren’t angels, we need tight controls over government. We are, in two words, intrinsically disordered.
Donald Trump is no angel, and who among us really knows what he would do as president? But the same has been true of any past president or elected official. Yet, in the past several decades, well meaning Christ-followers have sought to assume control of a whole political party, the Republican Party, and have tried to offer “Christian candidates” and a “Christian platform” as if a political party, not the Church, is God’s ultimate plan for the redemption of society and the world. Dr. Bert Wheeler, Professor of Economics at Cedarville University, writes in “Donald Trump--Poster Child” that Christians have been mistaken in assuming that our nation is like a local church. Instead of realizing that everyone in the United States is a person created in the image of God to be treated with respect and dignity; people on the religious right acted as though everyone...was also a Christ-follower. Wheeler outlines a correct model for participation of Christ-followers in government:
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I must remember that I am not electing angels or pastor-shepherds, but sinners like myself to serve in a government that is “intrinsically disordered” and needs “tight controls.” Therefore, it is my duty to vote—not only at the presidential level but just as importantly, for candidates down the ticket who will hopefully provide accountability to the president and to one another.
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In summary, please pray, participate wisely as a voter, and then trust in God’s providence to revive and unite America again as one nation under God where Christ-followers can be salt and light who sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts, being always ready to give an answer to those who ask for a reason for the hope that is within us, yet with gentleness and reverence (1 Peter 3: 16).
1 Definition of a Christ-follower (Christian): A person who responds to the “call” of God’s Spirit through God’s Word (Romans 10: 17), and who is convicted of his or her spiritual poverty in light of God’s holiness (Matthew 5: 3), and who dies to his or her own works (efforts to meet God’s standards), and is “born again” in Christ (Romans 6; Ephesians 2: 8-9), and who now “dies daily” (1 Corinthians 15: 31) by allowing their own wills to be conformed to God’s will, and their minds to be renewed by God’s Spirit and His Word (Romans 12: 1-2).
2 Definition of Scripture-fed, Spirit-led prayer: Prayer that occurs when a Christ-follower (“child of God,” John 1: 12-13) seeks quiet communion and conversation with his or her Heavenly Father, aided by the reading of and meditation on Scripture that allows God’s Spirit and His Word to speak to his or her mind and will, resulting in worship and thanksgiving as well as reproof, correction, and training in righteousness; so that the… [Christ-follower]…may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 2: 15).
3 From video, “A City on a Hill,” by Gingrich Productions, 2011
Related Articles on Election 2016:
Unrighteous Indignation in Election 2016
Tim Kaine Offers Trump a Key to Victory
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