Thanksgiving is a special holiday to me because it has been generally
less commercialized than nearby Halloween and Christmas.
Thanksgiving invites us to remember the only
true Object of genuine thankfulness— God Who is the ultimate Provider of all
Indeed, thankfulness without an
object to receive our thanks is narrow and incomplete.
In our recent blog entries on “Fundamentals of Conservation,” we have
emphasized that
conservation, or “con-service”
to serve with. Thus, both “thanks-giving” and
“con-service” suggest the need for an object
Conservation has two objects of
with God, and
with creation.
Furthermore, both “con-service” and “thanks-giving”
imply that a certain quality of character be expressed toward the object in
question; namely, a
submissive spirit
and a
thankful spirit.
But how do these character qualities come
Biblically speaking, conservation is a practice of individuals who have acknowledged
that rebellion and sin, not submission and service, are “in their DNA”
inherited from Adam and Eve (Genesis 3).
As a result, they recognize their utter inability to exercise
true dominion (submissive stewardship;
Genesis 1: 16-28; 2: 15) without first humbly confessing and seeking God’s
forgiveness through the atoning blood of Christ.
The true conservationist is submissive and
thankful that God has redeemed him and enlisted him to serve on a planet that
groans under the wages of sin (Romans 8: 19-23).
For the spiritually reborn child of God,
conservation grows out of an intimate relationship of
serving with God.
Serving in
this partnership with the Creator, we can learn the origin, true value, and
significance of creation
(Part 1, Article #1 April).
The quality
of our stewardship is further enhanced as we learn more about the workings of
(See Part 1, Article #2 May) and
what is pleasing to our Creator
Corinthians 5: 9 and
See Part 1, Article #3 June) as we
Him by
serving with creation
. Serving with
creation in turn requires that we become students of both the historical
influences on the land (See Part 2, Article #1 September)
and the current processes at work in the landscape (See Part 2, Article #2 October).
This month’s “Fundamentals of Conservation”, Part 3, emphasizes that
biblical conservation (or stewardship)
of creation is practiced not only by
with God and
serving with
Creation, but in
serving with our
This notion is based on the
fact that God in the three Persons of the Trinity is a
relational God.
It is this
relational God Who created humans to exist in relationship with Him and with
one another as His image bearers.
follows that conservation blossoms in its fullest sense as we realize its
relational nature as expressed when the
serves with all three
agents in right relationship—with God, creation, and neighbor.
I will now illustrate how conservation rests upon all three agents noted
above, like the three legs of a stool in proper proportion.
I am thankful that God sought me out and
redeemed me as His own son, then gave me a great love for His creation, and has
blessed me with many good “neighbors” with whom to work.
Allow me to share first a few of the “neighbors”
who have been partners, teachers, and mentors.
My dearest prairie partner in early 1980's
with Prairie Dock ("cut-leafed variety) |
First, God has blessed me with my wife Alvadell (“Abby”), my nearest and
dearest “neighbor” who has been “one with me” since 1969.
She has been beside me as wife, mother of our
children, and companion in church, community, forest, and field.
Some of our most cherished communion with
each other and with God has been as we’ve enjoyed the beauty and wonder of His creation.
In 1979, God led us as a family to Cedarville College where we grew spiritually
in the light and warmth of pastors, friends, and colleagues for over three
decades while I taught in the Science-Math Department.
Abby and I had discovered Cedarville ten years
earlier while students at Malone College.
At Malone, it was Professor Charles C. King who had ignited my interest
in botany and ecology.
Later Dr. King,
as director of the Ohio Biological Survey, was responsible for identifying some
of the remnant forest and prairie communities, including the
railroad prairie remnants mentioned
in this blog series.
Jack McDowell (center) and Charles C. King (right) |
During my years at Cedarville, I became closely acquainted with two other
prairie enthusiasts.
One was Jack
McDowell who was so instrumental in conservation efforts through Columbus
Jack explained to me how he
and Charlie King had become fast friends after they had “chanced to meet” in,
of all places, a prairie remnant community in central Ohio.
The other prairie enthusiast is Lynn Holtzman,
a wildlife biologist with the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources.
Lynn’s commitment to land stewardship based on
his pursuit of God and a scholarly understanding of biblical environmental
ethics was instrumental in the development of my own conservation ethic.
Lynn Holtzman (Photo taken at Milford Ctr. Prairie, Union Co.) |
fact, Lynn’s master’s thesis was entitled “Nature
as Neighbor: Aldo Leopold’s Extension of Ethics to the Land.” God
has allowed Lynn and I to be “good neighbors” in several land stewardship projects
in SW Ohio.
Of course conservation
efforts require the neighborly cooperation of local land managers as the
following paragraphs should illustrate.
When the last freight train passed through Cedarville in the mid-1980’s,
remnant prairie communities along
the railway from Xenia to Columbus, Ohio became of greater interest,
particularly because of the plan to convert the rails to bicycle trails.
Rather suddenly, the abandoned railways--long,
narrow swaths of land with lots of “surface area” adjoining land owned by many “neighbors”
per mile were about to undergo a change in land use.
Native Royal Catchfly, Silene regia, in the narrow railway
corridor (now Prairie Grass Trail) surrounded by agriculture |
Having gained some botanical knowledge of the
flora along the abandoned railway, several park districts enlisted me in 2001
and 2002 to inventory and map the native plant species along the abandoned
railway in Greene, Clark, and Madison counties.
In an effort to create interest in prairie plants of the abandoned railway
among local residents, I created a webpage featuring
photos of remnant prairie flora.
As the bikeway was being completed, my students and I developed and conducted
an opinion survey of landowners adjacent to the bikeway.
We had three goals the first of which was to
determine how “bikeway neighbors” viewed the new bikeway.
Royal Catchfly and Culver's Root
growing in the narrow railway corridor surrounded by cropland |
Second, we wanted to use the survey as an
opportunity to locate individuals who would provide historical information
about the prairie remnant communities.
we hoped that face-to-face encounters with landowners might spawn cooperative
efforts leading to the development of buffer zones adjacent to the otherwise
long, narrow configuration of the remnant prairie communities surrounded by agricultural
As a result of our “boots on the ground” presence, the students and I were able
to meet several interested “bikeway neighbors” and we soon learned the
necessity of neighborliness in our land conservation effort. We were also welcomed by the
Friends of
Madison County Parks and Trails (FMCPT) capably led by Wayne Roberts.
As a result of our landowner survey and
cooperation with Julia Cumming,
Madison Soil and Water Conservation
District, we were able to secure cooperation with Jim Mitchell, whom we
had met through our opinion survey and who was interested in devoting some land
adjacent to the bikeway to the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).
Transplants of native prairie plants into Mitchell field along
bikeway (upper R). Jim Mitchell & son (L), J. Zehring and I |
The Mitchell land was sown in prairie
Jim allowed us to add prairie
forbs to the field and used his skid-steer loader with forestry attachment to
cut and remove trees and shrubs encroaching on the prairie adjacent to the
We hope that the partnership
with Jim Mitchell can be a prototype for more partnerships between the park
district/bikeway program and “bikeway neighbors.”
The FMCPT has been very effective in
promoting the “Prairie Grass Trail” bikeway in cooperation with the Soil
Conservation District and other organizations.
We are using a strategic management plan in an attempt to conserve prairie
remnant plant species using a combination of approaches including mechanical removal,
controlled burning, and herbicidal applications to simulate the environmental
conditions that preserved these
prairie remnants.
Jerry Miller, FMCPT volunteer with Royal Catchfly and
Prairie Coneflower (dry seed heads) in the Mitchell field |
Yes, conservation is “con-service”—serving with Creator, creation, and
The relationship goes both
ways; as we serve God and His creation, God keeps us by providing both spiritual
and physical “bread.”
Likewise, land
under proper care will yield its fruitfulness back to us in the form of food,
fiber, medicinal compounds, aesthetic enjoyment, etc.
Thus, conservation is made complete when
neighbors work together for the cause of serving both God and creation.
Don’t forget the three supporting legs of a
These truths were illustrated this past summer
during the Prairie Appreciation Bike Ride sponsored by the Friends of Madison
Co. Parks and Trails.
Some of the riders
on this July Saturday had been volunteer “bikeway neighbors” who had, during the
late winter months, toiled together to cut and burn encroaching shrubs and trees
to allow space and light for the prairie plants to grow.
Many had not seen the worksites since winter,
and they responded with glee at their first sight of colorful native prairie wildflowers
flourishing in places that had been overgrown with woody species.
This satisfaction and joy was the blessed
result of their willingness to serve creation and share with neighbors in valuing
the purposes of our conservation plan.
Prairie Appreciation Bike Riders
learn more about remnant prairie history and conservation. |
The same commitment to land stewardship, or conservation, is expressed through
the older and more comprehensive
Town of Dunn
Land Use Plan under the leadership of Calvin DeWitt. (In
Part 1, Article #1 of this series I had referenced Dr. Calvin DeWitt as the author of the book
Earthwise (3rd. ed., 2011, Faith Alive Christian Resources) in which he develops the notion of
DeWitt reflects on the Town of Dunn
conservation effort in his recent book,
of a Scientist: The Harmony of a God-Soaked Creation (2012, Square
Inch. Grand Rapids, MI).
I conclude with
an excerpt from this book which illustrates the ingredients and outcomes of
conservation—a relational process in
which willing people in community
with Creator, creation, and neighbor:
The members of our community made the
decision to get to know our place well and to act on that knowledge for the
benefit of the land and its life. Many
were motivated simply by love of the land and their community, others by their
Norwegian Lutheran upbringing or their Irish Catholic heritage. Together, by all of our mutual efforts, a
land ethic was instilled in the heart of our community, and we have dedicated
our lives to its defense. Our land ethic
is published on our town website. But it
is published best in our community: in the lives of citizens and in the
remarkable landscape of our town, which proclaims the stewardship we practice
in this place. With our land ethic we
join the glorious chorus of those around the world who proclaim God’s
sustaining provisions in creation.