Thursday, December 19, 2024

Christmas Greetings to Family & Friends - 2024

God Came to Us
Merry Christmas, dear family and friends.  Once again, we are caught up in the celebration of Christmas.  Christmas is celebrated in many ways around the world, but Advent comes with only one message:  Emmanuel—“God with us.”  God came in the Person of Jesus Christ.  It is because of the Advent of Christ that we can be encouraged this Christmas—because He came to be with us.  Now it’s our turn to come to Him.

The hymn, “O Come All Ye Faithful,” invites us to come joyfully, sing to the LORD, and tell of His glory much like the unnamed psalmist did in Psalm 96 (emphasis added):

Sing to the LORD a new song;
    Sing to the LORD, all the earth.
Sing to the LORD, bless His name;
    Proclaim good tidings of His salvation
    from day to day.
Tell of His glory among the nations,
    His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.
                                 - Psalm 96: 1-3

It is with this spirit of praise and thankfulness to God for His greatest Gift-- the Way of salvation through His Son Jesus, that our letter comes to you.  We have no intention to boast of family accomplishments; but rather, to inform you about our family and encourage you in the process.

Come and Be with Us
It was a highlight for us this year when our son Brad and daughter Mindy, and their loved ones each said, “Come be with us.”  In February, Brad and Raquel invited us to share a condo with them in Naples for several days.  It was a welcome break from the Ohio winter to enjoy some warm-weather activities with them. We were also privileged to spend a couple of weeks with Abby's sister Donna and her husband, Larry, in Winter Haven.  

Brad, Raquel, and their partners are now in the 20th year of their faith-based ministry to children, the Little Leaders Company.  They are marking this milestone with the launch of a series of colorful “Backyard Adventure” books that complement their faith-based video series.  The video series focuses on teaching character qualities and basic skills like learning the animals.  From our experience introducing the videos and books to the 2-year-olds we teach at our church, these resources are well suited for parents looking for meaningful ways to teach their children. [[Click HERE for website.]

In March, Mindy, Steve, and family invited us to enjoy their time-share with them in Myrtle Beach and to celebrate Abby’s and Della Rose’s birthdays.  On the road trip down, we enjoyed meaningful conversation with granddaughter Kiara and her husband, John.  The trip was a welcome break for Mindy who works for WellBe Senior Medical as a clinical educator of nurse practitioners locally and out of state.  Our granddaughter, Della Rose, and her friend, Lily, were also with us and enjoyed their break from school—and we enjoyed them.

We look forward to being together as family again this Christmas, especially to see grandson Caleb and his wife, Soni, whose schedules often prevent them from joining us from their home in the Pittsburgh area.  Caleb is a truckdriver for Papa John’s Pizza and supplies fresh dough and accessories to stores around the tri-state area and beyond.  Soni works in the medical health services.

We Can Come to Him
Each year we are becoming more aware of our age.  But we still enjoy walking together, relaxing in our sunroom or deck, gardening and landscaping, and playing games or watching old movies when the weather is cold.  One of us enjoys reading and writing more than the other.

In addition to our home, we enjoy being with our family and with our church family.  Regarding our church, we are privileged to attend and co-lead our small group which meets weekly in our home.  We pray for each other and encourage one another as we seek to apply the teaching/preaching each Sunday from God’s Word by our pastor, Zach Swift.  Our small group recently enjoyed a night of caroling.  In order to keep ourselves young (or make us feel old?) Abby and I have been teaching the 2-year-olds one Sunday each month as part of our church’s Christian education program.  John also co-leads a mid-week, Scripture-fed prayer fellowship with a brother in Christ, Brad Will.

In summary, the past year was like the quiet waters of a stream flowing through a gentle landscape, but then becoming turbulent as it passes down steep valleys.  In March, Abby’s sister Donna passed from this Earth into God’s presence after nearly a year of bravely battling cancer.  [Read more HERE.]  Thankfully, in April, our turbulent waters were calmed by the announcement from granddaughter Kiara and her husband John that they have the prospect of being parents in January, 2025.  Elizabeth Maetta regularly makes herself known to her mommy and we are looking forward to meeting our first great-grandchild.

As Summer turned toward Autumn, our dear friend and brother in Christ, Rex Young, slipped away into Heaven on his 75th birthday after courageously bearing with a six-year bout of cancer.  [Read more HERE.]  We were reminded of the promise of Psalm 23: 2b and v. 4 (paraphrased): “You lead us beside the still waters…  Even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you are with us LORD, and your rod and staff, they comfort us.”

Many of you who read our Christmas letter can relate to both the quiet and the turbulent waters.  But, we can find comfort in remembering that Christmas is the story of God taking on human flesh in the Person of Jesus and dwelling among us.  He came not to condemn us, but to bear our sins and our sorrows (Isaiah 53: 4), and to lift us up through His Spirit that we might be saved (John 3: 16-17).

We thank each of you who have stayed connected with us in some way in 2024 through various communications or by your invitations or visits.  We invite you to leave a greeting using the "Comments" link below.

Have a blessed Christmas and New Year,


B.A.S said...

This Christmas letter was FABULOUS! Thanks for taking the time to compose and share (on the second try!) - B.A.S.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed c
"catching up" with you and your family. Becky

John and Abby said...

Thank you, Becky.

Anonymous said...

Very well written summary of a difficult, but blessed year ❤️ Mindy

John said...

Thank you, Mindy, for reading and commenting. I'm blessed to have witnessed how you managed in 2024. Love, Dad