Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Reasons to Vote For or Against Ohio Issue 1

The Akron Beacon Journal Editorial Board, on July 19, 2023, published “8 Reasons for Why Issue 1 Is Wrong for All Ohioans, Even Conservatives.”  
We would like to respectfully respond to each of the 8 points.

1. The arguments are contradictory:  Reason #1 argues that August elections are wrong, if not illegal.  This reason is based on the claim that Ohio lawmakers “largely banned” August elections (but stopped short of doing so) on the basis of low voter turnout that can allow important decisions to be made by “a very small minority of Ohioans.”  But in what seems contradictory, their Reason #2 argues that “Ohio voters are smarter than politicians give us credit” and “can be trusted to do the right thing.”  If Ohio voters are “smart” and “can be trusted,” then why not encourage Ohio voters to turn out next week, vote according to their conscience, and respect the outcome to represent the will of smart Ohioans who cared enough to want what they think is best for Ohio?  After all, when we Ohioans are challenged, we rise to the occasion, don’t we?

2.  The arguments are biased:  Reason #3 rightly claims that “majority rules in a democracy.” And, Reason #4, claims that “citizens should preserve their power.”  The question is, “which side’s majority” will rule, and “which side’s power” will bring the best for Ohioans.  Voting YES on Issue #1 does not mean “one county could stop a petition campaign before it even begins.”  On the contrary, Issue 1 aims to ensure that all counties in Ohio, not just urban counties, can have a part in enlisting us smart, trustworthy Ohioans to “preserve their power” (Reason #4) by participating in the democratic process.  Issue 1 also would assure that the wishes of the rural counties of Ohio which can easily be ignored are given a voice in our constitutional process.

3.  Reason #5 to vote “NO” on Issue 1 is actually a reason to vote “YES:” Opponents of Issue 1 which largely represent a liberal-progressive vision for Ohio say, “Vote NO” because one day, their conservative opponents may be in the minority and have to face the 60% majority requirement if Issue 1 passes.  However, this logic actually favors voting “YES” on Issue 1.  Regardless of which political view occupies the majority, to change our Ohio constitution is a serious matter and should be decided by more than 1 vote more than the current 50% majority. I believe the conservative philosophy of government welcomes the caution exerted by steep majority requirements that can serve as a brake to slow unwise, ill considered changes.

4.  Reason #6—the claim that “supporters of Issue 1 are lying:”  Let’s be honest on both sides of Issue 1.  There is an “elephant in the room” (no pun intended) on both sides.  Opponents of Issue 1 wish to reinstate the right to abort up to a point far beyond when the heartbeat is first detected.  Some favor extending abortion to the point of birth.  On the other hand, supporters of Issue 1 want to raise the bar to change current Ohio law that currently protects the lives of unborn children.  Let’s be forthright on both sides of Issue 1.  Thousands of unborn lives are at stake, as well as the impact on mothers and fathers of these children.  If we honestly define what is at stake, perhaps voter turnout will improve.

5.  Reason #7 rightly claims “Ohioans deserve a fair ‘majority rules’ vote on abortion.”  Unfortunately, opponents of Issue 1 define “fair ‘majority rules vote” as the current “50% plus 1 vote” rather than the proposed, broader-based 60% majority vote which is not too much to ask for major Ohio constitutional changes.  Who of us would want to be the “1 vote” to decide on Ohio law, especially on issues in which thousands of lives are at stake?

6.  Finally, Reason #8 rightly claims that “one-party rule harms Ohio.”  Again, if we honestly admit that the August 8 special election vote on Issue 1 is about whether or not abortion rights are expanded, then it should not be a partisan issue.  When human lives of children and parents are at stake, we ought to vote on moral principle and moral conscience, not according to party affiliation!

Thank you for reading.  Let’s reason carefully, ask what kind of people we are and what kind of people we want to be as Ohioans.  Then, vote with conviction, compassion, and a moral conscience you will be proud to share with your children and grandchildren.

John Silvius
Wooster, Ohio

August 4, 2023

NOTE:  As of this morning, August 8, our “Letter to the Editor” to both the Akron Beacon Journal and the Wooster Daily Record, sister newspapers, has not been published.

COMMENTS are welcomed if you choose to clarify or rebut any point shared in this article.  Please vote today, August 8, if  you are an Ohio resident.


Anonymous said...

John, Thank you for posting the issue 1 information. Although I did vote early, because I find it easier with my schedule. I do recognize why it is important, to have a bigger majority in order to change Ohio's constitution. Especially when we know special interest such as Critical race theory, abortion rights supporters,and transgender advocates are seeking to destroy our young people. God Bless you my Brother.

jsilvius said...

Thank, for clearly stating some of the important reasons for voting in support of Issue 1. Blessings to you as well, my brother.