How about you? Were you caught ‘red-handed?’ Tell-tale chocolate or crumbs on your face? And what was your first reaction to being caught? I wanted to hide, but instead my mind began to serve up excuses and explanations. Oh, I had a large inventory of useful responses.
“I didn’t mean to do it!”
“She told me to do it.”
“I didn’t see anything wrong with having a taste.”
“I’ll make up for it.”
Sound familiar? Since that time, I’ve learned just how much like my father, Adam, I am. We share not only an unbroken connection through our DNA but also an unbroken record of selfishness, pride, and desire for power. In short, like Adam and Eve, we want to have it our way:
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was a delight to the eyes,
and that the tree was desirable to make one wise,
she took from its fruit and ate;
and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.
Then the eyes of both of them were opened,
and they knew that they were naked;
and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings. Genesis 3: 6-7
Adam and Eve hid in the garden among all the flowers and trees that God had provided to be freely enjoyed. Indeed, they had walked in the garden with their Creator, and now they recognized the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). God came this time, not for another pleasant time of fellowship with His image bearers, but to begin the restoration process as a righteous Judge, beginning with the discipline and instruction that was now needed as a result of the first human disobedience.
It is instructive for me to consider how “my father, Adam” responded when his Father asked that penetrating question, “Where are you, Adam?” Adam knew everything had changed. He felt exposed, naked, shameful, fearful– all new feelings. But, he also chose to “do it his way” to solve the problem. He would cover himself and his wife with green leaves stitched together; and, they would hide.
God had a different solution. His answer to our depravity involves a costlier and messier extraction from His creation than detaching a few green leaves. Instead, animals must bleed and die, serve as a sacrifice for sin, and foreshadow the ultimate sacrifice, the human sacrifice of God's only Son, Jesus Christ.
Here we have not only the first instance of sin, but the first instance of humans wanting to solve the problem by “doing it our way.” Indeed, the biblical account of human history and recorded history since the first century church is a story of fallen mankind, caught repeatedly with a hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. But rather than owning up and seeking to restore fellowship with their Creator, humans have sought to follow Adam’s example–“doing it our way.” Green leaves instead of red blood spilled in order to provide the costly atonement for sin.
Today, there are many worthwhile projects in our neighborhoods that serve our fellow man and benefit the environment. But, I wonder if, like Adam, we have the cart before the horse. What good deeds are we doing that are like “stitching green leaves together” when all the while, we need to respond to God’s question, “Where are you?” If we are really hiding behind the flowers and trees of the Earth, even through acts of “creation care”, shouldn’t we come out of hiding, turn from our wicked ways, and accept the reconciliation of Christ, purchased with His blood on the cross.
What do you think?
Can you think of other instances in the Bible in which human ingenuity and “doing it our way” was repulsive to God?
NOTE: Looking back on this article, written almost a decade ago, I believe my thesis is still accurate. America is divided morally and politically, torn down the middle, on issues like immigration, gender rights, and sanctity of human life. Europeans face a similar challenge. Currently, France is in turmoil over objections to excessive taxation aimed at addressing"climate change." Wouldn't you agree that unless we recognize our need for a spiritual transformation and repent, we will be less and less able to live in harmony with our nearest neighbor let alone address global problems like immigration and climate change?
Caring for God's creation is important but I honestly think there are things that are more important. Our society has fallen apart because we as Christians have failed to be salt and light for those around us. We have failed to bring ourselves under the authority of God's word and would rather go with what man says. Perhaps because you are in a Baptist church you don't see as much of that as I do since I am going to a Presbyterian church. It is truly frightening how Biblically illiterate people who claim to be Christians are in this day and age. They think a whole host of things are compatible with Christianity that aren't Biblical at all. They can't even give a reason to people for the hope that lies within them. To expect them to have a Biblically sound view of creation care when they can't even articulate the basics of the faith and why they are important to the faith is not reasonable.
Thank you, jib. I believe we agree to the importance of "first things first" and then, what follows should in the proper (enlightened) order.
I don't mean to say that taking care of what God has given us isn't important. It is but each of us has our passion. My current passion lies elsewhere with apologetics and the like. Our church needs to make up it's mind about membership in an apostate organization but since the local church is quite sound they just don't see that our association with the PCUSA is a problem. sigh. Some of the leadership wants to stay and some of the elders want to go. The Christian Ed committee will be leaving enmasse if we don't vote to leave. So we write letters, we pray and we try to be a source of information. Environmentalism might be easier :-)
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