Saturday, September 28, 2024

What If You Could Interview the Candidates?

Our national election season is in full swing and many Americans are concerned about the outcome.  Our expression of opinions and concerns range from polite conversations to brash confrontations and even violence.  But Christ-followers have the extra responsibility of being peacemakers without compromising God’s moral standards.  Many Christians who want to engage politely in discussing the candidates and issues are told to “be nice and go along.”  Those who refuse face intimidation, fear of rejection, and outright threats.  To navigate on this stormy sea, we have focused on identifying which candidates best demonstrate   the character qualities and experience suitable for leadership. 

We have already discussed the character qualities that should distinguish the most qualified candidate for president regardless of their party affiliation.  Our recent blog,
Choosing Our Leaders by Looking Beneath ‘Politics’” expresses this approach and should provide a helpful background to what follows.  Click HERE to read.

Doing Homework on the Candidates

Most of us would like to think we are being objective and nonpartisan in our choices of who will receive our vote.  But how do we achieve this?  Maybe one way is to consider what questions we would ask each candidate if we had the chance to interview them.  First, we would need to “do our homework” on each candidate and come up with our questions.  What is their political ideology based on their understanding of the role of government, the role of the U.S. on the global scene, and the importance of law and order and due process under the law?  What is their understanding of the nature of mankind?  How do they interpret the U.S. Constitution and view our freedoms as defended under our Bill of Rights?

Because we cannot interview the candidates directly, we completed our “homework” by consulting a variety of news sources-- conservative, liberal, and those claiming to be unbiased.  Then, we developed a “Candidate Checklist” that gives a sketch of each candidate based on their ideology, their actions in the office(s) they have held in the past, and the manner in which they have pursued the presidency in recent months.  We cannot claim that the checklist is either comprehensive or unbiased, but we have tried to make it so. 

Using the Candidate Checklist
The “Candidate Checklist” gives a series of categories, each with summary information that you can use to judge each candidate as to which most closely aligns with your own political ideology and qualifications for good leadership.  Along with this summary information, we have provided links to further reading. 

Based on what you learn from each category of the checklist, make your tentative choice between the two candidates, then award one (1) point to the candidate whom you believe to be the better of the two for that particular category.
  If you believe there is no difference between the two candidates, simply award one (1) point to each.    Suggestion:  You can use the live internet links provided in the checklist, but you cannot score your points directly into the checklist.  So you may wish to make a screenshot and save it as an image (e.g. JPG) so you can print it out, mark, and total your scores.

Presidential Candidate Checklist

1) Prior Experience
Kamala Harris
Dist. Att. of San Francisco (2004-2011)
Att. General of California (2011-2017)
U.S. Senator (2017-21)
U.S. Vice President (2021- present)

Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump

Businessman, builder, and
media personality until 2017;
President of the U. S. (2017-2021).

Score (1) 
 point for Trump: ____

2) Endorsements Received (Sample)
Kamala Harris: 
Americans for Democratic Action
Freedom from Religion Foundation
Planned Parenthood
Everytown for Gun Safety
Nat. Center for Transgender Equality
Am. Fed. of Government Employees

Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump

Americans for Limited Government
Family Research Council
National Rifle Association
National Right to Life Committee
National Fraternal Order of Police
Conservative Political Action Conf.
American Energy Alliance
          Score (1)  point for Trump: ____

3) Political Ideology
Kamala Harris: 
Harris was the 3rd most liberal in the 115th Congress (2017-2019); and 2nd most liberal in the 116th Congress (2019-2020). For more, Endnote #3. 

Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump
Trump’s ideological score on economic and social issues from the website (2018) rates him “moderate.”  Read more, Endnote #4.

Score (1) point for Trump: ____

4) Consistency on Policy
Kamala Harris: 
Having provided only brief, off-the-teleprompter interviews to date, Harris’s positions are unclear although they appear to have changed radically. Click HERE for a recent assessment. The website, provides records of her policy decisions and recommendations.  Read more HERE

Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump
According to NPR, “Donald Trump’s Been Saying the Same Thing for 30 Years.”  Read article, click HERE.
The website, 
provides records of his policy
decisions and 
Click HERE to read.

Score (1) point for Trump: ____

5) View of Child’s Right to Life
Kamala Harris:
The position of the Harris-Walz ticket
on abortion is quite different from
that of Bill Clinton where the
emphasis was that abortion is to be
“safe, legal, and rare.”  Harris-Walz
supports the abortion policy of
Minnesota “which does not restrict the practice at any stage of pregnancy.”
Read details

   Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump:
“After 51 years [under Roe v. Wade], because of us, that power [under the 14th Amendment which protects human life] has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and fertility treatments.” GOP Platform

   Score (1) point for Trump: ____

6) Securing the Nomination
Kamala Harris:
Harris became the Democrat party’s nominee after President Joe Biden decided to drop out of the presidential race.  By an uncompetitive primary process Harris was awarded 99% of the delegates earned by Joe Biden.  Read more, click HERE.

Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump:
Trump competed in > 50 primaries, defeating over 10 candidates to earn the GOP nomination with 2,231 delegates, defeating Haley (97), DeSantis (9), Ramaswamy (3), Christie (0), and others.
Read more, click HERE and HERE.

Score (1) point for Trump: ____

7) Solution for the Economy
Kamala Harris:
Harris claims to understand from her own experience growing up what middle-class and poor families now face with high inflation, but has offered little detail on how to repair damage done by excessive spending under the Biden-Harris administration.  Read more, click HERE and HERE.
Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump:
Trump plans to lower inflation to pre-Biden-Harris levels by cutting federal spending, lowering corporate taxes, increasing energy supply, and using tariffs to incentivize companies to return to the US, thus creating jobs.
Read more, click HERE and HERE.

Score (1) point for Trump: ____

8) Immigration, Law Enforcement
Kamala Harris:
Harris ran for president in 2020 in
support of an easy path to citizenship of illegal immigrants resulting in a flood of millions of illegals that overran legal border entry processes during the Biden-Harris administration.  She has also supported defunding police and use of cashless bail all of which are believed to have made us less safe.
Read more, click HERE

Score (1) point for Harris:_____

Donald Trump:
Trump plans to restore control of immigration by resuming building of border wall, insuring only legal entry of immigrants, and working with local police to deport dangerous criminals. Local crime will be reduced by better training and support of police and return to justice and due process of law for criminals.  Details, click HERE.

Score (1) point for Trump: ____

9) Global Deplomacy
Kamala Harris:
Harris claims to be “the last person in the room” during major diplomacy decisions of the Biden-Harris administration. Meanwhile Biden-Harris has allowed wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East under an emboldened alliance of Russia, Iran, and China.  Read more, click HERE and HERE.

Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump:
Trump plans to restore our military and our alliances with friendly nations; and, to end wars by diplomacy so that we can bring troops home and use our military less under his “peace through strength” policy.
Read more, click HERE and HERE.

Score (1) point for Trump: ____

10) VP Choice: A Heartbeat Away
Kamala Harris’s VP:
Tim Walz is Governor of Minnesota, is a retired non-commissioned Army officer and represented his state for 6 terms in the U.S. House.  He is noted for his lenience toward protestors who burned parts of several Minnesota cities during the 2020 George Floyd riots. He has deep affection toward Communist China, and signed a law allowing abortion in MN at any prenatal stage.  More, HERE & HERE.

Score (1) point for Harris: _____

Donald Trump’s VP:
Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, a U.S. Senator from Ohio, professes to be a Christian and has supported legislation that favors biblical marriage, the family, and sanctity of human life.  As a political and social conservative Vance favors limited govt. and wise diplomacy to end and avoid needless wars (e.g. Ukraine).
Read more, click HERE.

Score (1) point for Trump: ____

 Total votes for Harris =  _____               Total votes for Trump =  _____

Tallying the Points
Your tally of points for each candidate is meant to help you distinguish which of the two candidates are most deserving of your vote.  We want to stimulate your thinking and preparation to vote wisely.  We do not wish to oversimplify or minimize the challenge of making wise choices in the upcoming national election.  Nor do we mean to imply that we have presented the complete picture in an objective manner. 

You may wish to point out any unfair comparisons we have made.  If you have additional points that ought to be considered, or questions needing answers, we urge you to politely respond using the “Comment” link below.  Meanwhile, we still have questions of our own that we would ask the candidates if we had opportunity. How about you?

What Would You Ask the Candidates?
What would you ask the candidates if you were in a townhall and were handed a microphone?  We will close with a few questions that may help at least some readers make the right choice when you vote.

1.     Why should I trust you to choose the next _______ (Fill in the blank—e.g. Supreme Court justice cabinet secretaries, federal judges.)?

2.     Why should I believe you are prepared to enter into delicate negotiations with world leaders, some of whom are enemies of the United States?

3.     Do you believe you earned the nomination of your party based on how you were selected?

4.     How can I trust that you will govern in a manner consistent with your current positions on issues like petroleum fracking, border security, gun control, law and order, etc. in view of the positions you have held prior to this year?

5.     What should I conclude about your willingness to be transparent with the American people and to be able to “think on your feet” in unscripted press conferences or town halls based on the number and quality of those you have allowed?

6.     You have plans to restore the economy and lower costs through more government programs, new regulations, and changes in taxation.  How are your plans different from those of the Biden-Harris administration?  Different from your opponent’s proposals?

Now Its Up to You
We hope this blog has been helpful, and we hope you will faithfully perform your civic and God-given duty to honor those in authority by exercising your right to vote.  Our future as Americans depends upon it.  What questions or comments can you voice after reading this blog?  Please feel free--we hope you do--to respond politely, and anonymously at the "Comment" link below, or if you prefer, by .


Endnote #1No candidate is perfect in character.  None will have a perfect past life.  All of us are flawed human beings in need of redemption and forgiveness that only God can provide.  Therefore, as Jesus said, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone (John 8: 7).  The God who works all things together for overwhelming good is also known repeatedly to use pagan kings like King Nebuchadnezzar, flawed Jewish leaders like King David, flawed disciples like Peter, and flawed apostles with a sinful past like the Apostle Paul who considered himself the “chief of sinners” (1 Timothy 1: 15).  If we agree that no candidate is perfect, we must look at their records and experience as leaders.  Remember, it is our duty as citizens to exercise our blood-bought freedom to cast our votes.

Endnote #2:  U.S. Senate Ideology Score 2018 by -- Harris is most liberal (0.05/1.00) except for Bernie Sanders (0.03/1.00) and two other senators.
Click HERE and HERE to read more.

Endnote #3
“When you totaled up Trump’s ideological score on economic and social issues from the website (2018) — which assigns an ideological grade to politicians’ statements and votes on a scale that we’ve converted to go from -5 (very liberal) to +5 (very conservative) — he came in at +42.5. His score was closer to 0, perfectly “moderate,” than any incoming president of the past 40 years except George H.W. Bush.”  Read more, click HERE.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

A Tribute to Rex Young

…for we walk by faith, not by sight
— we are of good courage, I say,
and prefer rather to be absent from the body
and to be at home with the Lord
                        - 2 Corinthians 5: 7-8

“Our loss is Heaven’s gain.”

These words are a comfort for those who have trusted in Jesus Christ and His atoning death on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sin.  This is especially true for us who now grieve the death of our friend and brother in Christ, Rex Allen Young (1949-2024).  Rex died on his seventy-fifth birthday, September 20, leaving behind his wife, Carol; daughters Dawn and Amy, and son, Brad; their spouses and many family members and friends.  But there is comfort in our awareness that Rex is set free from his long battle with cancer and now rests in the glorious presence of His God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In 2017, it was our blessed privilege, Abby and I, to become acquainted with Rex and Carol through our church, West Hill Baptist Church, here in Wooster, OH.  At first, our conversations were restricted to our phone calls to ask about Rex’s treatments for cancer; and also to inquire about Rex’s brother, Nester, also with cancer.  Rex and Carol always greeted us with a gracious welcome, and in spite of the trial of his cancer, they were always cheerful and thankful.  These phone conversations led eventually to meeting them at church.  We had begun our 7-year friendship with the Young’s; a friendship that afforded us with many happy times of fellowship together.

The more Abby and I came to know Rex and Carol, the more we could understand several things about them.  We learned that they possessed a strong faith in God, partly the result of their practice of daily reading the Bible together and praying together; and partly as a result of being sharpened by their own spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges as a couple—challenges not unlike ours and of many Christian couples.  In a very gracious and encouraging way, Rex and Carol became part of the “iron sharpening iron” that God used to challenge us in mind, body, and spirit.  Humbly, they claimed that we were also an encouragement to them.  Like shining silver from the refining fires, we became brothers and sisters in Christ by walking together through our blessings and trials. 

We also learned that Rex and Carol were loved and respected by many other brothers and sisters in the faith.  Amazingly, God led us along with several other members of West Hill to form one of several “small groups” that became part of the small group ministry of our church.  It was our privilege to partner with Rex and Carol to lead the group.  From 2019 until this year, this small group of approximately a dozen people, half being couples and half widows, has been learning and growing through our study of the Scriptures used each week in pastoral messages and through praying for each other for consistency in our walk of faith.  [CLICK on image below to enlarge.]

Rex and Carol attended church and the small group as long as Rex’s health permitted.  When it was no longer possible to attend our group, they would read Scripture and pray with us over the phone.  Throughout his declining health and increasing pain, Rex remained strong in faith with beloved Carol by his side.  Many often said, “They make it seem easy to endure the struggle that goes with Stage IV cancer.”  However, we know it wasn’t easy, yet they had learned where to turn for comfort—to the Word of God, and passages like 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18 (emphasis added):

Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.  For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Throughout his 7-year battle with cancer, Rex and Carol drew upon God’s comfort.  And, they also brought comfort to others, giving honor and preference to others above themselves (Romans 12: 10).  In short, their “affliction was producing” something!   For example, their family members could see the “power of Christ being made perfect in weakness” and through the love expressed by their dad and mom, grandpa and grandma, and so on.  Rex and Carol’s prayers were that their loved ones would each choose to “walk by faith” into the saving arms of Christ.  If they too would put their trust in Christ’s atoning work, their loved ones could also gain right standing before God so that one day, all could be together in Heaven.

On the day before Rex’s birthday celebration and “graduation” to Heaven, the four of us read Revelation 21: 1-7 which reveals the promise of Heaven’s glory:  …and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.  And then, we prayed together and bid Rex along with Carol, “Good-bye.” 

We miss you, Rex, but we will “see you in the Morning!”

Rex A. Young, Obituary:  Click HERE.