Tuesday, May 12, 2020

COVID-19 Policy Ignores “Good Science”

Since my last article on the COVID-19 pandemic and policy entitled, “Growing and Groaning into the ‘New Normal’,” we are beginning to see various degrees of progress in opening up more of the essential services of our economy.  Our elected leaders are realizing the great cost and resultant damage that is resulting from having chosen a policy of locking down and socially distancing the human population.   Many now believe that we were wrong to isolate entire populations as opposed to isolating the vulnerable and the infected as was done in past successful handlings of outbreaks.

Still, there is much controversy.  We have taken different sides on whether the policies of the current administration and respective state governors are too lenient or too restrictive.  When evidence that contradicts a person’s belief is presented, the frequent response is, “It depends on who you listen to.”  And, this is certainly a good point.  So, I’ve been looking carefully at the credentials of those who are vocal and influencing policy.

In view of the ongoing uncertainties and controversy over policies to “open up the economy,” this article simply directs the reader to some points of evidence that ought to have been considered three months ago.  The evidence comes from an informative YouTube video, produced by Dave Cullen on Computing Forever, entitled MUST WATCH: Debunking the Narrative (With Prof. Dolores Cahill).  I have anticipated that many readers will not which to take the time to view all of this long video.  Therefore, I have selected some important segmentsof the video and provided links where readers can "jump in" to hear specific points on COVID-19 science and  policy.  At each "jump in point," you will hear the jist of a key point within 3 minutes at which time, you can stop viewing.  

I present these key points as an example of what we all ought to be looking for as we listen to “authorities, then consider carefully in a spirit of prayer how we ought to think about the issue, and then decide whether or not to contact our elected officials.

Credentials and Connections of the Speaker
Dave Cullen's valuable interview is with Dr. Dolores Cahill, an Irish scientist with degrees in molecular genetics and immunology.  She also has decades of global scale experience in antibody research.  Dr. Cahill is also chairperson of the Irish Freedom Party which advocates separation of Ireland from the European Union.  Political connections?  Certainly, but who among major scientific voices doesn’t?  Please listen HERE to her background and then we’ll address her scientific integrity.

Are We Using “Good Science?”
["Good science" has been defined elsewhere.] Dr. Cahill’s research on antibodies worldwide has been scientifically validated, in part because of her own effort to establish standards of research integrity.  She explains that research fraud is regarded as a criminal offense in Germany, where it is reported to the police, the fraudulent scientist’s name is published, and then he or she loses funding for 10 years.  In the process of her discussion, we learn some of the basics of how the rampant rise in scientific fraud can be controlled.  Also, Dr. Cahill addresses how the lockdown policy was “anti-scientific” and “anti-nature” because it has ignored the importance of the human immune system and how we need to beef up our immunity through good nutrition and vitamins.  Listen HERE to her comments on the efforts to assure global progress, accountability, and valid publications of results in antibody research and research in general.

Will the Authority Take Responsibility?
Science naturally refutes false hypotheses as part of progress in pursuit of a true understanding of phenomena.  So, the claims of science can change.  However, scientists who speak through the media ought to “own up” when new research refutes their previous claims.  Of particular concern to many is the amount of seemingly unquestioned authority that has been granted to Dr. Anthony Fauci.  But recent media reports like this one by Tucker Carlson this evening point out how Dr. Fauci has changed his recommendations several times in ways that seem untethered to epidemiology and immunology.  In view of this point, you will be encouraged to hear Dr. Cahill place her scientific reputation on the line to make three statements about the COVID-19 virus.

First, the Coronavirus is not as dangerous as it is claimed to be.  Second, once a person has had the virus their immune system clears it after 10 days and they are immune for life and should be able to function in the world without isolation.  And third, Dr. Cahill is offering her recommendation to the Irish minister of health that the lockdown in Ireland be stopped within the next 10 days with appropriate provisions for protection of vulnerable individuals and instructions for all others as they return to their normal activities.  Listen HERE to her confident recommendations.

“Good Science” Refutes Lockdown Policy
Finally, the main point of much of Dave Cullen’s video interview with Dr. Cahill is her reasoned interpretation of the epidemiological data on COVID-19.  In this segment, you will see a chart of U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) showing the percentage of hospital visits due to influenza-like illnesses during the past thirty weeks dating back into late autumn, 2019.  You will want to hear Dr. Cahill explain how these CDC data support her claim and the claim of an increasing number of epidemiologists that the lockdown was not necessary. 

Specific points Dr. Cahill makes are as follows:  First, our bodies house hundreds of thousands of different viruses and it is necessary for the well being of our “micro-biome” within our bodies that we naturally come into contact with viruses and bacteria.  Second, during the flu season this year, from December until April, there were three major viruses circulating the globe; and the third was COVID-19.  Third, COVID-19 had its peak in the US on March 22 and people were at peak infection ten days before.  Then, most of the population in America cleared the virus within 10 days and then the threat was essentially gone.  In Dr. Cahill’s words, “there was absolutely no need for lockdown,” even in the early weeks of the pandemic.  Listen HERE for a discussion of these data and the implications for policy decisions in the days ahead.

Thank you for reading, and I thank Brian, one of my former students at Cedarville University, for referring me to this video.  As always, I invite “Comments” as we continue to seek to be informed and share information and opinion in a reasoned and polite manner.


Ken said...

This information from Dr. Cahill is all undeniably credible, yet there are those who will still not only question it but deny or attempt to refute or discredit it. They will say that if the COVID-19 virus passed already, then why are there still people testing positive and dying from it?

My guess would be, as Dr. Cahill mentioned, the tests are being misinterpretted to say these are new cases when in fact they are old cases - people have antibodies because it passed through previously. And then the reason for the new COVID-19 deaths is largely FRAUD - people who died and happened to have the antibodies in their system (or they were untested yet had symptoms "diagnosed" as possibly COVID-19) are being labelled as a COVID-19 deaths.

Is that right? Or am I missing something? Are there new legitimate COVID-19 cases and deaths or not?

But the main question is "who are we to believe"? Do we believe Drs. Fauci, Birx, the CDC, WHO, and NIH? They are obviously the ones our government (state & national) as well as our media are listening and responding to, using their data & advice to dictate public policy. They have so much invested in their past & current decisions/actions that they will not (cannot) admit they have been wrong. Therefore, they will ignore (and do their best to discredit) Dr. Cahill and any other Doctors that try to convince them (and the public) with good science that what we have done and are doing is and has been a huge mistake.

Me? As far as I'm concerned, common sense says (and has always said) Dr. Cahill and the other doctors coming forward to counter the accepted COVID-19 narrative are absolutely right.

John said...

Great comments, Ken. Whether the counting of COVID-19 cases is fraudulent or not, it is clear that they have been very sloppy about distinguishing actual causes of the deaths. Also,doctors as you know have been encouraged to assign mortalities to COVID-19 when other factors may have led to death apart from COVID-19 per se. I am just praying that enough science experts will continue to speak authoritatively and logically and that our leaders and policymakers will respond while there is yet time, if it is not too late already.